For Students

  • Define the study area, sleeping area & Eating area separately. Never mix them up with each other. Dining table is meant for eating, bed is for sleeping, so never use them for study.
  • Study table is a holy place. Never put your shoes under the study table.
  • Avoid placing your study room in all the three directions of SOUTH i.e. South, South-east (Agneya) or South-west (nairutya) corners.
  • You can face to North or East while studying, however for career setting, appearing for the competitions, entrance exams, face to North only.
  • Never face or keep back exactly to a toilet while studying. Keep the door of toilets always closed.
  • Avoid having blank wall in front of you just very closed. Maintain some gap between the study table & wall. This helps removing mind blockage, supports movement of energy around you & helps to remove suffocation.
  • Keeping your back towards a door is not good. This keeps on giving a feeling of uncertainty or unknown things/ people to enter from there, thus continuously gives insecurity. So avoid hollow back wall rather place a dry-mountain scene behind you.
  • Maintain only light colours in the study room. It can be cream, almond, light blue or light green. This gives cooling effect.
  • Avoid sitting for study or sleeping below a slab, a beam or similar structure that tries to shift/ transfer its tension (weight) to the person sitting or sleeping below it.
  • Make your book-shelf / place your books at your left side, i.e. in West or South side to keep these directions heavier than North & East.
  • Keep closed all the cupboards / almirahs & book-shelves avoiding a direct view of such a huge numbers of books with heavy weight peeping out of them, diverting concentration.
  • Never use wrought-iron table, chair or other concerned furniture. They are made of twisted steel-bars & melted caste-iron, with generally black colour, with a glass as a table top, giving full view below the table, thus diverting the attention.
  • f you use computer, place it in the South-east corner of the table, i.e. on your right side. Always use shield to protect the electro-magnetic radiation. Put a light colour/ white cloth cover on the computer while not in use.
  • Make it a habit to clean your table top always before studying, all drawers once in a week, major cleaning, wiping & dusting the entire table & chair from below and inside fortnightly. Remove all broken/ unusable pens & papers immediately.  Don’t make your study table a junk-yard. Clean your entire room to locate and remove old books, papers, broken/ unusable stationery items at lease once in a month & change room colour/ lime wash once in a year.
  • Welcome the morning sun by opening your windows that fills the entire atmosphere with positive Ch’i and healthy energies. Avoid peak noon or evening sun-rays.
  • Place your bed in such a way that you can keep your head towards South & feet to North for positive vibrations & sound sleep. However West & East are normal directions to keep head. Never put head towards North.
  • The maximum numbers of windows are best in North & East directions. If you have a window in West, use it very less and for windows in the South side, avoid opening to it.
  • Small Pooja place can also be made by the students in North-east direction. But if you have it, give due regards to it, don’t ignore or point your feet towards this corner.
  • Check if there are some nails in any wall not being used. Remove them and fill putty in the hole. There should be no ugly looking, war, ill, fight scene or scenes that represents the “PAIN”. There should be no hero/ heroines/ players posters in front of you, while studying.
  • Never place a mirror or make-up items/ kit on the study table, or in your drawer. This also diverts the attention & effects the concentration.
  • Reciting Gayatri mantra/ religion wise recitation a few times is very supportive to students. It gives confidence & peace of mind. It also extends concentration.
  • If the room is being used by more than one child, hang a combined and smiling pose/ photograph in the room. This helps generating the feelings of co-operation amongst them.

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